Rebekah Raymond and her new book ‘Life’s Defeat’


Rebekah Raymond loves writing dark stories with a touch of romance. Her debut book ‘Life’s Defeat’ is the first installment in the Life’s Series. Raymond lives in Calgary, AB Canada. Rebekah, who identifies herself as a Trekkie and sci-fi buff, is a wife to her once High School sweetheart and mother of a young daughter and son. She is a strong advocate of literacy and literature exposed to all from very young ages.


  • Rebekah, how did you decide to pursue a writing career?

“I have been writing all my life, that and reading. So, at least on that end, the decision was an easy one. I joined NaNaWriMo and saw that the once short story was becoming a wonderful (dark and twisted) tale. And, after having a look into my own mortality after a friend had passed, I decided I needed to make an effort with my writing, if only to have something to pass along to my children. So, I entered a contest with a local publisher and actually won! It didn’t work out between us, but I knew I needed to continue, so I began to self-publish.”

  • Was getting published hard?

“The process itself, in theory, was easily laid out with self-publishing. However, the waiting with the publisher beforehand was excruciating, the decision to end my contract was worse, and the costs associated with editing/cover design/printing was a bit of an eye opener. Having said that, I don’t think I would have done anything different.”


  • Are your characters based on people you know?

“I would like to say no. I don’t have a real person in mind when I write my characters. In fact, many of my characters develop into their own “real” people, with their own personalities, attitudes, peculiarities to the point where they resist me creating stories about them and demand they write/live their own.”

  • What genre are your books?

“This series is predominantly a collection of thrillers, however they hint on horror and romance as well.”

  • Which of your books is your most favorite?

“My favorite is actually one that is still being written. It is a backstory novella of one of the characters from Book One in my Life’s Series. I think so far it is going to be my ultimate favorite because the main character is just such a smart-ass. He is loud and proud, boastful, and a real jerk. But he is the kind of jerk that I am really enjoying writing. And his transition to an intelligent, upstanding citizen is quite remarkable.”

  • Do you have a specific writing routine?

“I write late at night. It is when I am most creative, and when my muse is strongest. I usually grab myself a snack and glass of water, snuggle up on the couch under a nice fleece blanket, place my Ipad on my lap and off I go…”

  • What are your current projects?

“I am working on Book Four of this series, as well as the Series novella. I am also co-writing a historical adventure novel with a long-time literary friend.”

  • What’s next for you?

“Next on my list is to get Book Two and Book Three sent to my editor, published, and launched. They are slated for June and December 2016 although I would love to get them out before then.”



Tragedy places the soldier in StPatrick’s complex, determination to be someone of use keeps her within its walls. When she finally takes her first breaths of freedom, the soldier is sucked back into military servitude. Her long, violent capture and imprisonment by Rochester sets her path of physical and psychological terror.

Under his rule she learns the depth of her own depravity, and how far she can go before she threatens to lose herself. But when Tomlin and his team rescues her, she discovers a new threat in the life she chooses to lead.

As the pages of her genetically-altered history are revealed, the solider finds the key to achieving her new goal: revenge.

It’s unfortunate it might just kill her in the end.







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