‘The Countdown’ by E.G.Michaels: a crime story that will blow your mind


I love crime novels and I always feel so excited when I discover authors such talented as E.G.Michaels and new books as well written as ‘The Countdown’.

The story is told by two points of view: the villain’s and the main hero’s one. The villain is ‘The Sandman’ and he is the one the book begins with. Detective Kyle Simmons is the main lead, a guy every female reader will fall for.

I loved author’s E.G.Michaels writing style. It flows smoothly, the descriptions of people and places are vivid, and it makes you turn the pages in anxiety to find what’s next. I liked the way the author blends politics, corruption and mystery. It’s a deadly game of cat and mouse and an entire city council is on target.


I absolutely adored the moment ‘The Sandman’ and Detective Simmons crossed paths in a coffee bistro in the middle of the book. I’m not giving away what happens next but I do recommend this book to anyone who likes good crime stories. This a read that you won’t put down.

Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Countdown-Kyle-Simmons-Thriller-ebook/dp/B00NTN7RAG/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1421872237&sr=1-3&keywords=E.G.+Michaels