Flintlock by Ashley Nixon


Were you here when we revealed the brand new cover for Cutlass, the first book in the Cutlass Trilogy? If not, check it out HERE! Now it’s time for BOOK TWO!

Let me remind you who the genius is behind these books:

Author Ashley Nixon’s Bio:

Ashley was born and raised in Oklahoma, where the wind really does sweep down the plains, and horses and carriages aren’t used as much as she’d like. She has a Bachelor’s in English Writing and a Master’s in Library Science and Information Technology. When she’s not writing she’s either working out or pretending she’s Sherlock Holmes. Her obsession with writing began after reading the Lord of the Rings in the eighth grade. Since then, she’s loved everything Fantasy–resulting in an unhealthy obsession with the ‘geek’ tab on Pinterest, where all things awesome go.

Links to social media:






Flintlock Book Blurb:

Barren Reed hopes to protect the Orient from his tyrant uncle, but his plans to make the King’s life a living hell aren’t supported by the Elders of the pirate community. As it stands, Barren has earned the Elders’ disdain for his carelessness, and they threaten him into exile if he makes one more mistake.

Barren’s not the only one feeling the Elders’ wrath—they don’t trust Larkin either. Worse, Barren can’t comprehend Larkin’s wish to have a relationship with her father, and the secrets she’s forced to keep create a tension that may pull them apart forever.

When the Pirates of Silver Crest begin to die, bullets laced with dark magic are to blame. With more and more of these weapons infiltrating the Underground, discovering who’s behind the dissemination is no easy feat. As fear and tension mount among the people of the Orient, Barren and his crew find themselves in a race against time to stop the spread of dark magic before the world of Mariana spirals into collapse.

All right, so I’ve introduced you to the first book in the series, the amazing author behind these fantastic pirate books, I guess it’s time to FINALLY share the cover!!!!

Here it is!!!!


Show your support for Author Ashley Nixon by also stopping over to visit the other amazing blogs who have signed up to help us spread this fantastic new cover as far and wide as we possible can!!!

Cutlass by Ashley Nixon


Author Ashley Nixon held a launch party about a month ago to show off her new book.

Here is the old cover:

However Ashley Nixon decided that a new cover would work better for her and here is the new one:

newcutlass cover

I think it’s pretty amazing too.


Ashley Nixon was born and raised in Oklahoma, where the wind really does sweep down the plains, and horses and carriages aren’t used as much as she’d like. She has a Bachelor’s in English Writing and a Master’s in Library Science and Information Technology. When she’s not writing she’s either working out or pretending she’s Sherlock Holmes. Her obsession with writing began after reading the Lord of the Rings in the eighth grade. Since then, she’s loved everything Fantasy–resulting in an unhealthy obsession with the ‘geek’ tab on Pinterest, where all things awesome go.

Links to social media:  

Website | GoodReads | Facebook | Twitter | Blog

Links to where book is sold:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Cutlass-Ashley-Nixon-ebook/dp/B00JUI2QJ6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408409804&sr=8-1&keywords=cutlass+by+Ashley+Nixon

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cutlass-ashley-nixon/1119322567?ean=9780991132300