‘Sun & Moon’ by Kelle J. Brown


Even the Sun and Moon whisper tales on the wind. Experience the joy and challenge of creating community, of utter acceptance, and of extravagant and transforming love in this cosmic story of becoming and learning how to shine. Meet Sola and Luna, twin sisters who find reason to celebrate their unique similarity and difference. For the one who has been bullied; for twins and siblings who are learning to be themselves while loving the other; for the one who has not found his or her place in the world; for parents who struggle to treat multiple children fairly; for those who are lonely; and for everyone who knows we must share our light and power with others, this book is for you.



Kelle J. Brown is a proud native of Columbus, Georgia. She graduated from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry, and is completing her D.Min. at San Francisco Theological Seminary. A woman of many talents, Kelle has a particular gift for storytelling, for uncovering and re-imagining the stories of the numerous ones whose voices are often unheard or ignored. Kelle currently resides in Richmond, Virginia with her lovely daughter Indigo, her inspirational muse.