Author Spotlight: Penny Rosewood, Historical & Time Travel Steamy Romance Author


In today’s Author Spotlight, we delve into the world of Penny Rosewood, a talented author who specializes in Scottish time travel steamy romance and historical steamy romance. Ms Rosewood is known for transporting readers to different eras and weaving captivating love stories. Her work combines elements of historical accuracy, passion, and the allure of the supernatural.

Ms Rosewood, please tell us a little about yourself…

“I’m an author who specializes in Scottish time travel steamy romance and historical steamy romance. I have a passion for weaving together captivating love stories set against the backdrop of rich historical settings, with a touch of paranormal elements thrown in. My goal is to transport readers to different eras, allowing them to experience the excitement, passion, and romance of the past.”

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

“I have always been a lover of stories. As a child, I was enchanted by the power of words and the ability of stories to transport me to different worlds. I would spend hours lost in the pages of books, imagining myself as the characters and creating my own narratives in my mind. This fascination eventually led me to explore writing as a means of expressing my own stories and sharing them with others.”

Do you consider writing as a career?

“Yes, I absolutely consider writing as a career. It’s not just a hobby or a pastime for me; it’s a profession that allows me to pursue my passion and connect with readers on a deep level. I strive to create engaging and entertaining stories that resonate with my audience and bring them joy, excitement, and a sense of escape.”

Was there a specific event or person who influenced you to become an author?

“While there may not have been a specific event or person who influenced me to become an author, I have drawn inspiration from many sources. I’ve always admired authors who can transport readers to different times and places, evoking a sense of longing and romance. Their ability to create vivid worlds and complex characters has inspired me to embark on my own writing journey.”

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

“Like any writer, I face challenges in my craft. One of the most significant challenges I encounter is striking the right balance between historical accuracy and engaging storytelling. It’s crucial for me to conduct thorough research to ensure that the historical elements of my novels are authentic and believable. At the same time, I strive to create compelling characters and narratives that keep readers hooked and emotionally invested.”

Do you have a specific writing style?

“I aim to create lush and immersive prose that captures the essence of the time periods I explore. I want my readers to feel like they’re stepping back in time and experiencing the sights, sounds, and emotions of the era. I also infuse my stories with steamy romance, adding an extra layer of passion and intensity to the narrative.”

What is your writing routine?

“I believe in the importance of consistency and discipline. I try to set aside dedicated writing time each day, whether it’s in the morning or the evening, depending on my personal preferences and schedule. During this time, I create a focused and distraction-free environment where I can allow my creativity to flow. I also find it helpful to outline my stories beforehand, as it provides me with a roadmap to follow and helps maintain a sense of structure throughout the writing process.”

What inspired you to write your first book?

“My goal is to create stories that captivate readers and transport them to different worlds, allowing them to experience the magic and allure of love across time and history.”

What genre are your books?

“Time Travel Steamy Romance, Historical Steamy Romance, Highlander Time Travel Steamy Romance.”

Is there a message in your new book that you want readers to grasp?

“In my new book, Scottish Time Knot: The Timeless I wanted to emphasize the power of love and the idea that it knows no boundaries, not even the constraints of time. I wanted to convey the message that love can transcend the limitations of our existence and bring people together across different eras. It’s a reminder that the bonds we form with others are timeless and can endure even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.”

What was the hardest part of writing your latest book?

“The hardest part of writing my latest book was striking the right balance between historical accuracy and weaving an engaging romance. It required extensive research into the time period, customs, and beliefs of the era I was portraying. I wanted to ensure that the historical details were accurate and authentic, while still crafting a compelling and emotionally charged story. It was a delicate dance to integrate the historical backdrop seamlessly into the romance without overwhelming the narrative.”

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

“As with any creative endeavor, there’s always room for growth and improvement. Looking back, there are always minor tweaks or adjustments that could be made to enhance the reader’s experience. However, I believe that each book is a snapshot of the author’s journey at that particular moment in time. It captures a unique blend of emotions, ideas, and storytelling skills. So, while I may consider making minor changes, I would ultimately embrace the book as a testament to my growth as an author.”

How much of the book is realistic?

“While my books are predominantly works of fiction, I strive to infuse them with a sense of realism. Historical events, customs, and settings are meticulously researched to create an authentic backdrop for the story. However, I do incorporate elements of fantasy and the supernatural, particularly in my Scottish time travel novels. These elements allow me to explore the realm of possibility and add an exciting twist to the narrative. So, while the core of the story may be grounded in reality, there are elements that invite readers to suspend disbelief and embark on a captivating journey.”

How many books do you have out, and do you have a favorite?

“I currently have a trilogy titled Scottish Time Knot published that delves into the world of Scottish time travel steamy romance and historical steamy romance. There is the sequel of this trilogy coming up this summer.”

How do you come up with character names?

“Choosing character names is an exciting and creative process for me. I draw inspiration from various sources, depending on the time period and setting of the story. For historical novels, I often research popular names from the era and region, ensuring they are appropriate for the time and reflect the character’s background. In my Scottish time travel novels, I may incorporate traditional Scottish names or surnames that have historical significance. Ultimately, the names are carefully selected to evoke a sense of authenticity and to resonate with readers, while also capturing the essence of the characters themselves.”

If you could give aspiring writers one piece of advice what would it be?

“My advice to aspiring writers would be to write fearlessly and to embrace their unique voice. It’s easy to get caught up in self-doubt or compare oneself to other authors, but it’s important to remember that each writer has a distinct perspective and story to tell. Trust in your own creativity, be true to your vision, and don’t be afraid to take risks with your writing. Remember that writing is a journey of growth, and every word you put on paper brings you closer to honing your craft and finding your own place in the literary world.”

What do you do in your spare time besides writing?

“In my spare time, I enjoy indulging in my other passions and hobbies. Reading, of course, is a constant companion, as I find immense pleasure in exploring the works of other talented authors and discovering new stories and ideas. I also love immersing myself in nature, whether it’s going for long walks, hiking, or simply spending time outdoors. It helps me find inspiration and clarity, allowing my mind to wander and generate new ideas.”

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

“One writing quirk I have is that I often create detailed character profiles before I start writing. These profiles include not only physical descriptions but also personality traits, quirks, and backstories. I find that delving deep into my characters’ lives and understanding their motivations and histories helps me bring them to life on the page. It allows me to write more authentically and creates a sense of depth and complexity in the characters’ interactions and development throughout the story. This quirk of mine helps me to fully immerse myself in the world I’m creating and to better understand the dynamics between characters as they navigate their romantic journeys.”

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