Season Bennett and ‘The Social Barber Book’


Season Bennett is a Technical Business Analyst at a Fortune 100 company.  She has over 15 years of professional experience in Information Technology.  She graduated from South Carolina State University where she majored in Professional Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science.  She also received a master’s degree in Software Development from Winthrop University in 2004.  She is married to Derrick Bennett, master barber and owner of Headlines Barber Shop in Charlotte, NC.  where Season also serves as the Director of Marketing and Promotion. She is also the author of The Social Barber Book.


  • Why did you write The Social Barber? “A lot of barbers and hairstylists are artists. They love to create. They end up having to leave the industry to get a “real job” because they can’t make a living doing what they love. I wrote this book as simple how-to guide to help them increase their customer base so they can continue doing what they love.”
  •   What makes you an expert on social media marketing for barbers and hairstylists? “I enjoyed doing social media marketing so much that I ended up getting certified as a Social Media Strategist. So I have an extremely unique experience as both being certified in social media marketing and also owning a barber shop.”
  • “How did you start doing social media marketing?” “I spent several years in corporate America as a computer programmer and my husband owns a barber shop. He’s been a barber for many years. I thought the barber shop would be the perfect place to have a food drive. I started doing social media marketing because I wanted to get the word out about the food drive.”


  • Why did you name your book The Social Barber? “Good question! I wanted to call it The Social Barber because I wanted to remind barbers to be social. Most people use social media for entertainment so hard sales tactics really don’t go there. I want them to have fun and get to know people.”
  • What is the biggest misconception about social media marketing? “One of the biggest misconceptions about social media marketing is that you have to be actively selling. You are really trying to build a relationship with people—some you’ve met in person and some you haven’t. You want people to get to know you.”
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes that you see barbers and stylists making in their social media marketing? “I see a lot of barbers and hairstylists that are posting inappropriate content. They are more focused on getting a large number of likes or gaining followers. At the end of the day, those things don’t matter. I always ask the question: would you rather have 10,000 followers or 5 new consistent and loyal customers.”
  • Why do you think it is so important for barbers and hairstylists to use social media marketing? “Social media marketing is the new word of mouth. Barbers and hairstylists should use it as an online portfolio of their work. They have the added bonus of other users commenting on their work that potential customers will see as well. Their current customers may see work they’ve done on another client and feel like they’d like to get an additional service done.”
  • What is your professional background in? “I have over 15 years of experience in Information Technology. I’ve done a great deal of work as a computer programmer and a technical business analyst. I think that has really helped me to look at social media marketing from an analytical perspective.”
  • Was getting published hard? “I decided to go the route of self-publishing so that really wasn’t an issue.”
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