Erika Dawkins advises ‘Let your greatest struggles provide your greatest opportunities’


Erika Dawkins has had a passion for writing since a very early age. Born in Cincinnati, OH, Erika spent much of her early years moving from state to state with her military family. As a release during the frequent relocation, she turned to reading and writing as her outlet.

After her family settled in Columbia, SC, Erika went on to pursue her undergraduate degree in Mass Communications and a master’s degree in Media Communications: Public Relations.

​Shortly following graduation Erika decided to start her own business, It’s Only Write Communications. Through this, she helps individuals and businesses develop effective communication skills and assists them in the implementation of Web-based internal and external communication efforts. When not doing this she also contributes to several online and print publications.

​Now, with more than 10 years of writing experience, Erika is responsible for a new book series The Confessions and Reflections of. This series will feature the true, personal and untold stories of individuals that have overcome various obstacles in their lives and how they got through them.

The first book of this series is entitled Let Your Greatest Struggles Provide Your Greatest Opportunities.

Who exactly is Erika Dawkins?

“Hmmm. Great question. Well. First and foremost I am a mom. But following that I am a business owner, a writer and a supporter of all things that strengthen woman and encourage them to strive for the best.”


How did you decide to pursue a writing career?

“I’ve been writing professionally for years but this is my first book. I’ve always been drawn to writing. I think it’s something you can use to relate to just about anyone and on any topic. For me, its always been my outlet.”

Was getting published hard?

“No, but it certainly takes tons of research. There are so many different options now that it’s hard to decide which route to take.”

What genre is your book?

“My book is motivational/self-help. It allows readers to read about various obstacles I faced over the years and encourages them to use their issues and struggles as stepping stones and to continue to strive for the best regardless of their circumstances.”


Do you have a specific writing routine?

“No. (laughs) I’m very non-traditional when it comes to writing. I have to get myself pumped up. Some days I’ll write nothing and then other days I’ll write for hours. It just depends on the day.”

What are your current projects?

“Currently, I am working on book number two. I won’t give away to much details. But of course it will be focused on keeping the ladies encouraged.”

What’s next for you?

“Right now I am preparing for my book tour. It kicks off next month and my first stop will be in Charleston, SC. I can’t wait.”