David Tanager on writing “Night Siren” and dark, suspense stories


David Tanager studied International Relations in Warsaw and lived throughout Eastern Europe and the Balkans while serving as a military defense contractor. Outside of writing, his interests include mountaineering and wildlife photography. A few months ago, David Tanager published his first novel called “Night Siren”. I had the pleasure to have a little chat with David and here is what we talked about: David_Tanager

Are your characters based on people you know?

“The majority of the characters in my novel ‘Night Siren’, are not based off of real people. Long ago, I made a promise to friends and family that they could feel safe in knowing that they would not find themselves, nor their secrets being revealed in any Tanager novel.”

Do you have a specific writing routine?

“Typically I don’t start writing until after ten o’clock in the evening. I remember reading a quote once warning authors about how writing in the evening can produce dark, brooding or intense novels, but this is not the reason why I choose this hour to start. I like to go about my day, gather inspiration, watch the sunset with a cup of tea and only then do I feel ready to write.”

What are your current projects?

“I have just finished the editorial revision and adaptation of ‘Patrizio’, a short story taking place in post-war Italy. It is part of a larger project of seven short stories, which will be eventually become published as a collection in print form. I will be releasing two short stories from this series every year until the paperback release date in 2018. ‘Patrizio’ is currently only available in eBook form for the Kindle, and will be available for free on Monday, March 9th, through Tuesday March 10th.”

What is next for you?

“I am currently working on a novel to be released by October 2016. It is a horror/suspense novel heavily influenced by the writings of Dean Koontz – who is one of my favorite authors. The novel is still in the early stages, but I do have three chapters already completed and a fairly secure vision of the characters and plot. As with all of my novels it will include other characters from the ‘Tanager Universe’, and without giving too much away, will also set up a key figure in a post-apocalyptic novel I hope to work on after this novel’s release in 2016.” bookfinaldude

Buy Links

Night Siren



http://www.amazon.com/Patrizio-David-Tanager-ebook/dp/B00U37SLCE David Tanager on Twitter www.twitter.com/davidtanager and on Facebook www.facebook.com/davidtanager